Friday, May 14, 2010


Exam stress is totally killing me... wish i was back in my primary school days or probably a would have been so much more much to read and remember. All the theorists are killing me with their theories. Cant wait to get over this STRESS! Everyone is in a corner reading and preparing themselves for exam. You can hardly bump into anyone nowadays. People hardly come out of their rooms. They rather have their lunch and dinner at the "FANTABULOUS" cafe..*sighs*..I just hope that whatever that I have read will stick into my head..Hoping not to fail any papers. Just wanna do my best and enjoy my hols. Dont wish to come back here during the hols. Dear God, I hope you have some mercy on my. I need Your support, guidance and blessings. Give me the will power to sit for my exam. I know ur always there for me =).. Hopefully everything will be fine. Good Luck and All the very best to all who will be sitting for their exams soon. Do your best and the rest leave it to God.. He is there to decide. God bless all of us =)...

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