Saturday, September 10, 2011

- Day 06 -

Favourite Superhero and Why????

All the superheroes were my favourite.. They all had something in them...Special in their own way.. It was interesting to see all the different abilities that each superhero had.. I remember during my young days.. I used to keep track of all the abilities of each superhero.. N I usually change my favourite superhero when I watch a new cartoon.. Wat to do...those were my kiddo days..

One movie I loved watching was BATMAN! I can count him as one of my best superhero... Be it the movie or cartoon... there was just something about the character that made me like him! He had the very mysterious kindda life and nobody knows about.. Lives in his own world.. being very secretive.. Had the classic n elegant look!

My Superhero~ <3

Loved his costume and Logo.. My BATMAN was always the very cute and handsome kindda superhero with his super hot body! LOL! Judging by his costume...and all the Superheroes have super hot body..=)..

His super cool car... *would wanna go on a fast date* LOL!

The awesome looking BIKE! Tell me who would actually say no for a ride on it? Hehe...

His trademark! Now you will know who's out there when you see this LOGO!

My BATMAN... My Superhero... is out there SAVING THE WORLD! =)

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